Monday, February 26, 2007

Phew it's hot today!

Has to be at least 35 I reckon. The wind's hot too, so not much chance of a cool breeze there either.. the fan in the lounge has been going flat-out on High. First time it's actually been used this summer! Haha.

Hayden: Kady's been playing in the car sandpit you guys got her for her first Christmas. I filled it up with water... she loved it and splashed around in it for over an hour, even took a teddy-bear toy for a swim. Poor thing. I took some photos, will load them to the computer and e-mail you them (she's nudey, so probably not a good thing to post on here! Never know who's looking and all). Will do that probably tomorrow, along with some other photos.

Rosie and Becky, was good to see you two yesterday at the fair. Sell much Becky? We had fun, the kids enjoyed it and the kapa haka was really well done.

Hope everyone's well!

Dall & kids

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