Thursday, February 8, 2007

Hey Gem & Hayd,

Hope all is going well. Was nice to chat to you both over the last couple of days. I'm just waiting for Kate to arrive so we can rock over to the coast. A lovely day here now that the cloud has gone. Kate and I went shopping this morning and have bright pink matching outfits with pink cowgirl hats to crew in. It is goin to be an enjoyable time. We even got bright pink toweling hoodies and we got it all from supre which is really weried for me and kate. $10 an item!!! We did look in cotton on but none in hte right size. So here is hopping we have nice weather. Have a good weekend. Propbaly wont get time to blog till after lincoln. So will chat Tuesday, but will txt ya 2!!

Luvs and Hugs
Becky xoxoxoxoxox

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