Monday, February 5, 2007

1st paid day as a NURSE!

hi team wow it feels exciting to know that i am now on the payroll as a nurse. today was just an oritentation day so got spoken to by alot of people from the hospital and various unions etc. i have a far better understanding now of whats going on with the compulsary superanuation and tax free salary that they have for us over here. met some really nice nursing girls and the two that are on my ward seem good two. tomorrow i am on my ward (oncology) for the first day so should be exciting. i am on an afternoon shift so get the morning to sort out more house stuff...shift times are way better over here i finish at 10pm on a afternoon over here compared with 11.15pm at home. haydens birthday tomorrow ... not that we are going to get to see that much of each other with him going to work so early and me getting home late :( ...we will go out for t later in the week to celebrate.
glad every one likes the look of our apartment .. we really like it and are settling in well aircon was great to come home to today in the 38-40degree temp. we will post some more pictures once we have had a tidy up. i cooked us fresh calimari for tea tonight that we got at the markets yesterday.... soo good. markets were so chaotic yesterday when we went since it was a sunday alot of yelling from the stall holders pushing by the crowds and smells from the fish and garbage etc... remembering i am a little country girl after all.
cricket yesterday was great mcg bigger than i had imagened 48 000 in attendance only 1/2-3/4 full (because the soccer semi final was also on last night at the telstra dome also 47000 in attendance). very hot down in the bottom teir so had to move up to the very top in shade alot of kiwis there but still far out numbered by the ausies who get right into it all turning out in the team gear or wearing green and yellow. mexican wave banned ... yer right... it happened about 10 times and went on for ages each time. about 50 though did get evicted for throwing things which stupidly included blow up beach balls!

hope you are all well and that you are having nice weather to Love from Gemma and Hayden XXX

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