Monday, February 19, 2007

Sounds like you have had great weather. Good news about your job Hayden, hope the hours are better. How far do you have to travel. We had a weekend in Gisborne for Andrew's newphews 21st. Good catch up for Andrew with the NI rellies and a good party on the Saturday night. Had a good look around and drove further up the coast to Tolga Bay for a look. Faye is coming over on Thursday for a family birthday party, so she will be pleased to hear all about your apartment and jobs etc. Lyall and Selena! are also coming. Michael has been doing really well at cricket over the last few weeks. Did you give a bit of stick about the cricket wins to NZ. Guess you won't know people well enough yet to judge if you can wind them up. Of course they always get back at some stage, but makes for good trans tasman rivalry. Coast to Coast was another good weekend for Sumner. We had a bit of a drama last week with the man 5 doors down (65 year old) stabbing his wife. We had ring seats. Weather has improved here a bit so hopefully it will be warm at the weekend or the Aussies will freeze. Andrew wants to know if you have fox or ausstar yet. I don't know if I told you or not that Kelly has decided not to come back to work fulltime. Good for the twins. She is going to continue to do the 2 afternoons a week though. Gordon has taken on the position as a permanent. Andrew says hi
Take care
Love from Marion and Andrew

1 comment:

Hayden said...

Hey can't get austar in melbourne apparently, and havn't got foxtel yet we'll see if we can afford it. although i do want some sports channels.