Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Your new bedroom

Have attached photos of the house on the bedroom side- one of which you can use when you are home - the "lovely" bricks will be covered with plaster - the colour of "double double thorndon cream"!!!

The fireplace and batte are in next week - and the gib the week after.

I hope you got hold of Aunty Chris - we have had an email to say they are back in Darwin and the cell ph reception has clicked back in.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Aunty Chris's phone number

Hi Gemma and hayden - good to see/hear from you both this weekend
As promised here is Aunty Chris's cell ph number in Oz - she got a new sim card there i think - it is 0061 447 027 837 - I think they are back in Perth later this week - if you don't have any luck there or finding Ryan's ph number - I could get that off Melissa.
I will send you some house photos this week - have to resize them first - the windows and doors are in - inside and out - and the blocklayer s finished today - we also had the electrician and plumber in today - the fireplace in next Monday - and next Tuesday the batts are in - followed fairly closely by the gib men - when I send the photo I will mark your bedroom!!!!
Your Mum and Dad made a good decision not to go ballooning today - it poured all night and was cold this am but did clear this arvo.
Talk to you later Mummy G and EJ

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I know my hair grows fast...

But this is just ridiculous! Second pic was taken last Sunday, three days after the surgery. First was taken tonight, nine days post-surgery. No wonder I need my hair cut every time I blink! (order of pics got a bit muddled around in the upload)


Hi Hayden and Gemma!

Sorry I haven't posted here for a while, I guess everyone's been a bit slack lately eh.

Wow, this thing goes slower than I type, much slower! Just as well I'm a touch typist so I rarely make many mistakes haha. Takes ages to come up. That's probably cos of my dial-up.

Anyway, as you probably already know, my surgery on 28/6 went well. I did have a bit of trouble in Recovery though. Had low oxygen and blood pressure levels so was in there for a bit longer than intended. It was quite weird actually... I was taken to theatre at 8am, went into this little room next to the actual theatre, all wrapped up in warm blankets, got the heart monitors slapped on and the I.V luer put into my right hand. The anesthetist was nice, he also gave me a sedative and then they took me into the theatre, lined my bed up next to the operating table and then... that was it. I woke up in Recovery with a huge bandage wrapped around my head and hooked up to monitors. It's weird how I don't remember anything and I'm still trying to get my head around it. But all in all, it went without any complications and I think I've recovered really well from it. My surgeon, Mr Daran Murray (who looks awfully young to be a Mr!), did a great job. I don't think I'll even have much of a scar from it.

The only problems I've had is my hand/wrist, which eight days later, is still sore from the I.V. The vein's all swollen and feels bruised, which does worry me a bit cos I still can't bend it too well. I've put Arnica, Anti-Flamme and Voltaren Emugel on it, to no avail. Oh well. The skin feels tight and stingy around the implant but I think that's good, probably means it's healing well. My hair's still greasy from the antibiotics ointment that mum's been putting on twice a day for me, but it's almost finished so yay, I can wash my hair properly soon.

Liam and Kady are good, school holidays at the moment and I've had increased hours with work so we've had extra company this week. All good. Weather's been terrible so we've had DVDs to watch and that's kept the kids occupied most of the time. The kids had an awesome time in Aussie I'd say, the kids still talk about it so it's neat.

Will take another photo this weekend once I've washed my hair properly, so you can see how my scar's healing. You can have another look when you're here eh Hayden haha. Switch-on is on 30th July so I'll let you know how it goes.

Hayden - I couldn't get that haka video clip to load probably cos of my dial-up so will have a look at it next time I'm at mum and dad's, cos they have broadband, a bit faster!

Take care everybody, especially in this cold weather!

Dall & kids

P.S - Becky, I hope you enjoyed your trip to Melbourne. Bit scary with that shooting though!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


just trialling something