Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not a case of the guilts

Hi Hayden and Gemma - don't think you have shamed me into writing Hayden - I am writing to wish Gems a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Thursday
Your Mum and Dad will be there now Hayden so you won't feel so hard done by ??????
You maybe right about old people not wanting to see that movie - after all we just went ot see "Who wants to live to be a 100 (one who is 99) at the Court Theatre - was very funny - about 4 old men in a Rest Home - we must be sick to laugh about our not too distant future.
Our house is still progressing in fits and starts - the painter is due to start tomorrow - and that should then seem as if we are on the final countdown - although there is still the man to do the schist fireplace (and that won't be until the week after next) - the plumbing to finish - the drains to be dug - the power to be connected - and the phone - and the tiles and showers - and the carpets and blinds - and it seems as if there is always a day or 2 delay between each sub-contractor - I keep saying 2 mths to be on the safe side -
Gemma we took Nana to see Doug last week - and went shopping with her first and had lunch - it was the first time I had seen him since the stroke - and it seems as if he has a long way to go - but then I don't know how quickly he could improve - you would know better than me. She seemed to enjoy her day out and I called her again on Sunday just to see how the rest of the week had been - and he hadn't been too well on Sunday and they had done tests just to see exactly what was happening - I think they may have just wanted to keep on top of his health - what with the winter flus around etc.
Becks seems to be looking after herself on her own - a big change from a couple of years ago - and that is so good.
We had Brianna to visit today, for the afternoon while Melissa did some shopping - certainly keeps me on my feet - never sits still - what happened to the kids who sat quietly and played with toys - I ask!!!!! Did your Mum tell you that Melissa is pregnant again - due 12th March - so that will keeep her busy!!!!
wemrntoasfjewdr0one wotnsther - Hayden this is Ernie typing you a note on that thing that sits in front of him that you call a keyboard - and he doesn't have athritis :)
Anyway - have a great day tomorrow Gems - hope you like the BIG PRESENTS that Hayden has brought for you?????? and enjoy the visit from his parents (the in-laws) - hope to catch you when you are home at the end of the month
Lovexxxxx Mummy G and Ernie

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