Surprise - Surprise, we have finally gotten around to blogging. Trip preparation has take precidence. Not long now until we take off, bags out and lots out on the bed ready for packing. Can't wait to get on the plane. Lots to do at work before we go so will be a busy 3 weeks.
Good to catch up with Hayden when in NZ. Hope all is well with you both and no winter ailments. We have had great weather for the last 3 days up to 17 degrees, so hopefully you got it as well.
McAlpines news - Alison is leaving Manufacturing, they are going to live in Tauranga near her grand-daughter. The Mega store is progressing well, hopefully opening on the 19th November. Lots of planning still to be done with stocking and staffing.
I will attach a couple of pictures of Sophia, not really recent, she is now smiling heaps and making lots of baby noises. Grandad smitten.
Just been talking to R&P, Bec had a good win today.
Take care
Love M&A
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