Hi everyone, gems been very lazy and hasn't been bothered blogging, i would have but have been really really busy doing stuff. We also didn't have the net for a week cause i broke the modem, the on/off swith stuffed up not long after we got it and finally gave up so i wiggled it about a bit too much and managed to wriggle it right off the switch board thing. anyway enough of the excuses. We not been doing much just working and sleeping, went to the melbourne museum on saturday, its huge and we were there for about 4.5-5 hours and didn't see it all. Then we went out for tea in camberwell, just a few mins walk from my work. I had been there once with work mates and it was amazing. Its called sophia's and its italian and a small pasta is $9-$10 and weighs a tonne. We got a pasta meal for 2 that was 3 pastas of our choice and cost $28 but we had to take well over half home with us cause it was too big. they have gelati ice cream for $5 thats about 1.5L of ice cream and would feed 4 people. Definately a place to see, was also packed, it has three levels the bottom one and the middle one were full prob bout 150-200 people in each and then the top one is a function room.
Went to the movies yesterday saw a funny movie called i now pronounce you chuck and larry definately worth a look(maybe not for the older readers though as its a new age type movie that only people under 30 will understand.
weathers sposed to be nice for the next week up towards 20 each day! hope the trip plans out well oh and i found a watch that i liked at melbourne museum. Its called a halo watch and is a circle with no screen but when you press 2 buttons on the side 2 leds light up to show the time, its awesome but i'd say its expensive as its part of an inventors type thing at the museum.
anyway i'm sick of rambling on
Gemma now new ward going well same kind of surgerys but not as major which means a faster pace as bigger through put of patients. This ward has a very differnent routine to the last as well - it is a bit more old fashioned in the way they do some things and the way the hierachy operates..
Whats happening soon- going to the exihibition centre sale that dad brought so much stuff at when we were on holiday here last year on saturday and maybe going to the sweet treats expo after that... it sounds decedent. sunday i am going out with the nursing girls for one of there birthdays. jan and gary will be here on the 11 of september and for my birthday. The week starting the 17th of sept i have a week of annual leave so spend the beginning of the week with jan and gary. The end of the week hayden and i plan to go on a road trip down to morington penisulia and phillp island for 3-4 days. Ok thats all for now we will try to update this blog more often sorry we have got so slack.
love from Gemma and Hayden xxxx
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Beach People

Surprise - Surprise, we have finally gotten around to blogging. Trip preparation has take precidence. Not long now until we take off, bags out and lots out on the bed ready for packing. Can't wait to get on the plane. Lots to do at work before we go so will be a busy 3 weeks.
Good to catch up with Hayden when in NZ. Hope all is well with you both and no winter ailments. We have had great weather for the last 3 days up to 17 degrees, so hopefully you got it as well.
McAlpines news - Alison is leaving Manufacturing, they are going to live in Tauranga near her grand-daughter. The Mega store is progressing well, hopefully opening on the 19th November. Lots of planning still to be done with stocking and staffing.
I will attach a couple of pictures of Sophia, not really recent, she is now smiling heaps and making lots of baby noises. Grandad smitten.
Just been talking to R&P, Bec had a good win today.
Take care
Love M&A
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