Photo of Miss Mini-Yeti: Reckon I should get her fringe cut or not?
Eeek, been a while since I last looked at this so thought I'd better make a contribution. Hope everyone's well and had a great break over Easter Weekend. We went up to Ashley and Kellie's new place in Motueka Valley.. the turn-off was just past their old place, on a bridge over the Motueka River and a wee bit up into the hills, off the beaten track. I'm sure that at a few points in time, we all thought we were lost hahaha. But Kellie saw us go past and ran out onto the road and luckily, we turned around (end of road, as it goes up to the walking track etc) and came back down and she met us. It was a really good weekend... really neat place. Tis quite a bit of land, farm.. two houses - Ash and Kel live in one and the owners live in the other. Two horses, too many dogs and cats, a few chickens and two sheep (that we saw anyway). The kids LOVED it up there and we slept in Chris and Will's place which used to be a barn. Chris hangs her horsey stuff downstairs so the smell took me back to Napier and Janet and Alan's farm.. kinda like home really. The sandflies were a pain though cos you could actually feel them bite. Quite painful. Had a bonfire going all weekend, the engagement party was awesome, really good turn-out so lots of guests (I was surprised cos they do live quite a way out). Drank a bit too much though! I blame that on Ash and Kel though cos they bought heaps of drinks haha. Was nice to catch up with some of their friends though, Tim Gough stayed all weekend with his dog. Yeah it was awesome to go up there and I actually can't wait til next time, it's really relaxing and very fresh and quiet up there.
Anyway, Liam and Kady are well. Had Liam's parent/teacher interviews last week before school finished for the term. He's doing really well, reading is 11.5yrs, comprehension and maths is at 10.5yrs. So he's doing really well and his teacher is thrilled with his work. He wants to get an educational psychologist in from Teachers College to assess Liam properly again, cos the last time was '05. It should be good to accurately assess where he is at, and I'm really pleased he's enjoying his new class. Much better this year than last year.
I've been really busy with work (had extra kids this week so was full-time work, 8am til 5.30pm) and just generally trying to keep up with things and saving $ for going over to see you two. Two more weeks! Yay! Five whole days with no kids. I can't wait... this waiting sucks haha.
Anyway, hope everyone's well. I'll see you two, Hayden and Gem, when I get there!
Seeya around!
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