My e-mail isn't working well for some reason, so I'll post pics here. Finally have some of Liam - took them on Sunday in Ashburton when we went down. The funeral was sad (and hot! Wearing mostly black in 32 deg heat isn't such a great idea haha) and Dad did really well in the speech he did on behalf for the family. He was really great. I think everyone was relieved that it was finally over, cos it was a bit of a long period of 'limbo' in between Uncle Kevin's death and the funeral. Jo and the girls held up pretty well. All the second cousins played really well together, it was amazing really. Kady actually behaved very well (haha) on Sunday, she was ok Monday but mostly tired and hot I think. Those two days were very long days and the kids did really well. I think Greg, Brody and Lydia went back to the States today, not sure, as Gina said Monday that was the plan. Kids gotta go to school, Greg has to work. Anna and Aaron go back Tuesday I think. Anna looked really well, had the cutest little bump as she's still at that "in-between" stage (you don't know whether she's pregnant or just put on a little bit of weight!). Aaron needs to get a tan again haha, mustn't get much sun in London!
Anyway this week's been good but Kady's gone back to not sleeping well for the past couple weeks, so I'm pretty tired. Had the kids stay at mum and dad's last night so I could get some sleep, tis bliss to have my own bed back and no one kicking and prodding me. I'm not sure why she's not sleeping well again, but hey, it's Kady. Can never figure her out sometimes! Mum and Dad leave for Invercargill on Monday for a week so it'll be a nice holiday for them, hope the weather behaves!
Anyway, here are the photos. Hope they come up ok. They were taken at the playground in the Ashburton Domain... it's a neat playground, heaps of stuff crammed into one little space and so much to do. The kids had a ball there.
Catch ya around.
Dall & kids
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